5:50 a.m. on her 18th Birthday

My thoughts are circling around creativity this morning and what it means to wake up every day with your heart filled with wonder, joy, sorrow, awe – and an intense desire to share some part of this creative self with the world.

Creative selfs* are complicated. They WANT – no – They NEED public expression. What is Art if it is never shared with another person – if it’s kept in a drawer, or a closet – or worse – inside your heart – never realized? It is still ART, for certain, but it is a pale experience. 

Still, at the same time … the creative self is a fragile newborn, unaware of the dangers that lurk in the shadows – in the form of criticism, misunderstanding, anger – censorship. Too much criticism at the wrong moment kills creativity. Proper criticism, at the right moment, done with respect to the art and artist creates an environment where the creative soul thrives. But it’s tricky. You never know which comment will ignite a fire that blazes bright with creativity and which comment douses the whole shebang.

Eighteen years ago my first daughter entered the world on a -38 (real temperature) day. She, like her younger sister, has become a smart, funny, creative, empathetic, sensitive soul. She’s an artist. Her work will be on display this month in the Milwaukee Art Museum in the Scholastic Student Art Display. Her creative soul is open to the world – which is a wonder and a joy – and a danger, indeed. As her mother – I have always encouraged her to dare – to create – to share her vision. Still, as her mother, I want to protect those creative embers in her heart – so that her creative soul will burn so brightly that the naysayers will be silenced.

I have yet to figure out how to put it all on the line and yet protect it. I don’t think it’s possible. I guess the creative person must build up his/her own protections against the world.

On Tuesday, my second picture book BIG RIG rolls out. That’s an amazing thing too. My words transformed by Ned Young’s art – in a convenient book form for parents and kids to share. Wow. Leaves me a bit speechless, and I feel quite unworthy of my life. And yet I KNOW there are folks who just won’t SEE it for what it is (to me) – a joyful, playful book meant to invite young children along for a story. For me, there is nothing greater than giving a child a book that makes him/her excited about reading. BIG RIG is a part of my creative soul. And it is out there for the World to see. That’s a big, scary thing.

Last night, my hometown celebrated The Arts. Creative folks from all walks of life (actors, singers, photographers, chefs, dancers – and writers) we nominated by our peers and then a very nice fundraising celebration took place. I couldn’t be there – as I’m out of town with BIG RIG – but my husband and my younger daughter attended. There were performances and voting – and a general feeling that WE NEED our creative sides – we NEED ART. My book, BOOM BOOM BOOM received recognition in the Creative Writing category. JAC AwardMy husband accepted this award for the book (painted by a high school art student). After the evening, Jon told me that as he looked out into the audience – he suddenly found himself a bit overwhelmed by the emotion of the evening. All the talent – in every stage – young people, adults – daring to SHARE their vision of the world. He got a bit choked up. Art can do that to you. Art brings out our spiritual/ emotional sides. Art touches our souls. How wonderful that the United Arts Alliance paused on an evening in January to celebrate creativity in our city. I hope that all involved left with their spirits renewed by the celebration.

Last weekend,  I spent three days with some incredible writers. It was a working weekend – we brought our STUFF, read it aloud – and spent hours talking about each piece, writing craft, and what it means to live your life as a writer. And you know what? – every single one of us – from the person with ten books out in the world – to the people who are anxiously awaiting publication – agreed that living the Writer’s Life can be brutal. It can be awful. And it can be amazing. That’s the complicated nature of sharing your creative soul with others. When you connect with another person through your art – it’s transformative. But, when you face unfair criticism, walls, or apathy — well, I will leave you with the words one of the writers reminded us of:

The Man in the Arena

by Theodore Roosevelt

 It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;

but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Go out – nurture your creative soul and then dare greatly – for what else is there in this world?

 *Yes, I know it could be/should be “selves” … not feeling that word. I want it to be selfs today. 😉

Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

image 2They say that Lewis Carroll’s “The Jabberwocky” is a ‘nonsense’ poem. I don’t think it’s nonsense at all. There are days you just have to shout,
“Oh, frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” and everyone knows exactly what you mean. It’s not nonsense if people understand you – right?

Today’s my day to shout it out. My day to make some noise. My day to welcome my very first book, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! into the world. So, you ask, how did I spend this, this frabjous day? I woke to rain pounding on the windows and thunder rolling overhead (a good start, I would say!). Then, I went to work, just like any other day. I created a backdrop that little kids will stick their incentive ant stickers to this summer when they come in with a completed reading card. Oh, image 4and I went to my local bookstore and SIGNED COPIES OF MY BOOK!!!!! And I bought some yummy bakery items to help celebrate the day.

I also saw that some of my wonderful writer friends posted interviews and quick “Congrats!” on Twitter and Facebook and on various blogs (Tamera Will Wissinger’s Blog). Cool. What is the etiquette for thanking folks on Twitter? I re-tweeted, but that seemed so self-promotional … hmmm… if you know the correct response, please, please let me know. I would like to Tweet correctly.

After work, I ran my daughter out to a magic shop to buy fairy/elf ears. This is really just a daily occurrence in my household.

Tonight I will go to bed happiliy thinking that maybe, just maybe, on this stormy WI night a little child somewhere is reading BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! with his/her grown-up and smiling and is maybe a bit less frightened of the storm as it “bellows and bams” outside her window. And that is why I must shout, “Oh, frabjous day!”

To get your very own copy of BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! visit your local bookseller, or various online merchants.


THREE (or FOUR) Days to Publication …

It’s hard to believe that as of today there are only three (or four if you count today, which I guess I should because it’s only 8:10 a.m.) days until Boom! Boom! Boom! is officially out there in the world.

bkcover_bbbIt’s been a strange-wonderful-painful-joyous-underwhelming-overwhelming journey so far. And the book isn’t out for four (or three) more days.

Yesterday, I sat down with one of my favorite local newspaper reporters (Anna Marie Lux of the Janesville Gazette) to talk about what it’s like to finally have a book about to launch. We talked about so much – but mainly – it turns out – about my rabid love of books and reading. She asked me about my mom – the person who read to me every single day – and about growing up – and how I read to my brothers – and how I was so lucky to live in a community with an amazing library (and even luckier to have a mom who took me there every week). me and mom

We talked about the people who helped set me on the path – Cathy Norris, Children’s Librarian Extraordinaire, Beth Murray, one of the best storytellers I’ve ever met, Kathy Kennedy-Tapp, writer, mentor, friend — too many people to even list. I was overwhelmed with the memories.

We talked about what’s next: BIG RIG (Feb. 4, 2014) and If You Were a Dog (fall 2014). Which, when I said it aloud, was also a bit overwhelming to think about … (look – there’s the cover for BIG RIG – doesn’t Frankie look excited to start the journey with me?)

Big-Rig-cover_color1 (2)first versionMORE RANDOM THOUGHTS: As we live our lives so many people direct us in small and big ways. Sometimes we notice – like being invited to become a storyteller at the library – and sometimes we don’t notice – like being read to every single day, seeing my family read, and visiting the library weekly – but it all adds up, doesn’t it? Makes us who we are – the good and the bad.

Having a book published – a real live book – has been a goal of mine for so many years. And now look. In four (three?) days I will see that dream become a reality. Does this mean I need a new dream? Do I dare start to think of what’s next? Or will I be/should I be satisfied with this accomplishment? I am making myself STOP and recognize this moment. For me, it’s a big one. I don’t want to miss it.

What’s next? I haven’t a clue. I can tell you that I can’t stop writing picture books in my head. I have no idea if these words will eventually make it into real, live books. But, I hope that they do.  I can tell you that I’m filled with pride when I open Boom! Boom! Boom! – I see who I was when I wrote it, I feel the same emotions I felt when I had the words just the way I wanted them and thought, “this one gets to go in search of an audience.” I will tell you it’s crazy-weird to see those words in book form. And even crazier that Anna Maria wondered, “Will you be a rich woman now?” Ha. Clearly, she hasn’t talked to too many picture book writers! Grin. I am not in this for the riches – and I don’t know any writer who is … it’s just who we are – right?

And now Boom! Boom! Boom! is ready to find homes with kids and parents who I hope will read it, enjoy it, and not ‘accidentally’ drop it behind the bookcase (not that I ever did that with any book that my kids loved…).

So, while I obsess with what this means in my life – you go and work on your own dreams. It’s a beautiful day here in Wisconsin and I have storytime in a little while at the library. Storytime day is my favorite day.

I’ll check back in with you next week and let you know how it’s going. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and into something different in three (or maybe four) days.


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