Canceled Plans

Yesterday I was all about “Let’s CANCEL that and WRITE!” Today I’m all about, “WHY must things get CANCELED!?” Which got me thinking about good and bad disruptions. When my kids were small and a Snow Day meant an unexpected day to stay home and cuddle — I was all for it. But this weekend the predicted Snow Event is threatening something FUN. This is, of course, unacceptable. 

Today’s Prompt: Think of a time when an event (or anything) that you were excited about was canceled — or worse yet — you were not allowed to go (by parent or otherwise). What was so important about the event? How did you feel? What good, bad, or otherwise was the result of your not attending said event?  Then flip it on its side – Think of a time you were FORCED to attend an event … follow the prompts.

Kids/Teens have so little control of their lives – so controlling social events is a big deal. For me, being forced to attend something I didn’t want to do was much, much worse than not being allowed to drive about at all hours of the night with my dearest teen friends. My parents had a thing against that — teens driving about without plans or direction. ESPECIALLY if the weather was bad – and I lived in Wisconsin. The weather was bad from October to June.  


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