Collective Joy

January is a high-pressure month for a multitude of reasons. There’s a collective push to better ourselves. To set goals. To create healthy new lifestyles. To let go of the past and all the stuff weighing us down – whether it’s mac-n-cheese or our inner critic. Mostly, this is probably a good thing … 

But it’s rough, you know?

I tend to resist a lot of this. I tell myself I don’t need goals. That January resolutions just make me feel depressed in February. That picking a word only works if I can remember what the word is in July. (I remember 2019’s because I found a Post It note on my “office” wall with the word COURAGE scrawled across it while I was moving everything around to fit in some rabbits … but that’s another story).

Of course, resistance is futile.

This morning, despite my best efforts to avoid resolutions – I joined a very good friend at a group fitness class. As we were concentrating on which foot to lift, or kick, or tap – the instructor mentioned Collective Joy. You know – the idea that when people gather and dance together, they tend to experience more joy than those who are alone in their basement “office” dancing. She didn’t mention that last part, but I think we can go there.

It struck me that this is exactly what I’ve been missing: being part of the collective. 

The Borg Collective: Star Trek

Which is why, earlier this morning, I had already planned a writing chat for February at my local library. I just hadn’t quite put it all together under Collective Joy. But that’s what talking about writing with other writers is, at least, for me. That’s why I loved working towards my MFA, it’s why I love going to conferences, and why critique groups work. It’s the collective joy of the group.

So maybe that’s my theme for 2020: Collective Joy. Only time will tell.

Prompt: Think of a character in one of the books you’re working on. What groups does this character belong to? Wish to belong to? Excluded from? Quitting? Trying to quit? Write a scene where your character is entering a new group. Write dialog between the character and another character who is already an established member of the group. Now write dialog between the character and another character who is new to the group.

Happy Writing.

If you’re interested in chatting about writing, and you’re near Janesville, the details can be found on my FB page under the Events Tab.





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